
Butalid, Roselyn M. » Research » Scholarly articles

Title Postnatal Practices Among Bajau Mothers: Basis for a Culturally Responsive Health Care Program
Authors Butalid, Roselyn, Gomez, Rizalina, Gomez, Nona Krislin, Bultron, Joliza, and Lopez, Genevi
Publication date 2013/12
Journal Mindanao Forum
Volume XXVI
Issue No. 2
Pages 55-77
Publisher èßäAV
Abstract This study determined the postnatal practices of Bajau mothers. A descriptive-correlational research design was used. Eighty postpartum Bajau women served as respondents selected through the purposive sampling technique. Results showed that most of the respondents were ritually married and illiterate which deprived them to avail the modern health care services. Many are engaged in begging for livelihood and their combined daily income is far below the poverty threshold. Bajau mothers were found to have inadequate postnatal practices relative to birth spacing, postnatal check-up and infant immunization. They have less knowledge on the importance of visiting the health centers after giving birth thus depriving their infants to free vaccination and receiving of vitamins and supplements. Most of them adhere to traditional postnatal practices and rely on Bajau elders as their birth attendants. This elucidates the high risk of maternal and infant complications. It is recommended that healthcare providers outline appropriate strategies for integrating traditional beliefs and modern approaches to postnatal care.
Index terms / Keywords Bajau, Postnatal Practices, Poverty Threshold, Illiteracy
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