
Mamauag, Minnie B. » Research » Scholarly articles

Authors Elvie A. Paler*, Mae-Lanie O. Poblete, Minnie B. Mamauag, Gerose Febb C. Alarde,Melissa D. Claret
Publication date July, 2019
Journal Malaysian Journal of Nursing
Volume Vol. 11
Issue 1
Pages 31-37
Publisher Lincoln University College, Asia Pacific Higher Learning Sdn Bhd.
Abstract No one is exempted from experiencing stress in college. Many mental health issues are emerging among young adults especially during their university years. Being exposed to stressors helps every individual in terms of strengthening their well-being. This research aims to find out about the stressors the college students' experiences and their coping techniques in order to relieve these stress faced by them.Aqualitative method was used in gathering and analyzing the data, with five college students taken from the different colleges of Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology as the respondents. An in-depth interview was conducted with three open-ended questions. There were three themes that emerge. (1) College students worry greatly about their academic life. This includes the intellectual, financial, physical and social stresses that they encounter; (2) College students due to academic pressures suffer from a feeling of anxiousness, frustration, tiredness, they are emotionally drained, resulting in low self-esteem; (3) College students have both positive and negative coping strategies. This coping strategy includes support from significant persons; giving time to be alone to revitalize themselves; finding comfort from God's words. The researchers conclude that college students with good mental health have positive coping techniques.
Index terms / Keywords College students, Coping techniques, Good mental health, StressorCollege of Nursing, Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology, Philippines*Corresponding Author's Email: elvie.paler@g.msuiit.edu.phCOLLEGE STUDENTS' STRESSORS AND COPING TECHNIQUES:A PRECURSOR TO GOOD MENTAL HEALTHdoi:10.31674/mjn.2019.v11i01.005
DOI 10.31674/MJN.2019.V11I01.005
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