Buan, Amelia T. » Research » Scholarly articles

Title Development of an Amotivational Scale in Mathematics
Authors Eraljane Permites , Myrna Lahoylahoy, Amelia Buan and Josefina Tabudlong
Publication date 2017
Abstract The objectives of this study were to develop and validate an Amotivational Scale in Mathematics (ASM). This study was quantitative in nature with qualitative support. Two hundred eighty seven (287) statements were 1st generated from interviews, responses from the open-ended questionnaires and focus group discussions with 236 combined students, teachers, parents and mathematics experts as respondents. A pool of 120 statements was obtained after the generated items underwent face validation and content validation by the experts. This initial pool of statements was tried-out to 544 Grade 9 students from different secondary schools in Iligan City, Misamis Occidental, Misamis Oriental and Lanao del Norte. The students’ responses were subjected to exploratory factor analysis utilizing the ESEM. Thirty-two (32) final statements were confirmed as significant factors of the explored four dimensions in Mathematics amotivation. Effort beliefs dimension has eleven statements, subject characteristics, teacher’s attitudes and ability beliefs dimensions has seven statements each. The “panel of experts” technique was employed to reinforce the scale’s construct validity. Concurrent validity was established when the developed scale was administered to an intact group of Grade 9 students. However, most of the scores of students on the developed scale do not correlate significantly with the students’ Mathematics grades in the three grading periods and in the average grades. This implies that other means of testing its construct validity should be done. The reliability coefficient of the developed scale (a=0.885) indicated that the scale is highly reliable.
Index terms / Keywords Mathematics Motivation Scale and Validation of Math Scale
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