
Ruales, Shelanee Theresa P. » Research » Scholarly articles

Title Development and validation of the multicultural sensitivity scale for pre-service teachers
Authors Ruales, Shelanee Theresa P.; Agirdag, Orhan; Van Petegem, Wim
Publication date 2020/08/24
Journal Multicultural Education Review
Volume 12
Issue 3
Pages 177-194
Publisher Taylor & Francis
Abstract This study developed and validated an instrument to measure the multicultural sensitivity among pre-service teachers. Items capturing the concept of multicultural sensitivity were developed through literature review, open-ended questionnaires, interviews, and focus-group discussions. The items were checked for content validity and then tested in different teacher education institutions in Mindanao, Philippines. The 45-item 7-point Likert scale was tested by 573 pre-service teachers and Exploratory Factor Analysis suggested a 28-item scale. The shortened version was tested by 461 pre-service teachers. Confirmatory Factor Analysis was conducted to verify the factor structure and results confirmed the 28-item scale composed of three factors for the personal dimension – ethnocentrism, intercultural effort, and intercultural stress – and two factors for the professional dimension – exhibiting multiculturalism and monocultural orientation. The scale demonstrated adequate internal consistency and the measurement of the construct was found to be invariant for both ethnic majority and minority.
Index terms / Keywords multicultural sensitivity, scale development, pre-service teachers, multicultural education, factor analysis
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