
Various teaching positions - North Central Mindanao College

Company : North Central Mindanao College
Date Posted : 2013-04-22

Immediate hiring of the following Teaching Positions for school year 2013-2014

  • English Instructors
  • Filipino Instructors
  • Mathematics Instructors
  • Accountancy Instructors
  • Physics Instructors
  • Sociology Instructors
  • Economics Instructors
  • IT Instructors
  • Social Work Instructor


  • Bachelor of Arts in English
  • Bachelor of Arts in Filipino
  • Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
  • Bachelor of Science in Physics
  • Bachelor of Arts in Economics
  • Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
  • Bachelor of Science in Social Work

Please submit the following documents:

Application Letter
TOR / Diploma (Clear Photocopy)
Certificates of Training Attended (if any)

Address to the:

The School Director
North Central Mindanao College
Maranding, Lala, LDN


The Human Resource Officer
North Central Mindanao College

Deadline for submission of application: May 10, 2013

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