
Chancellor's Message

Posted on : May 26, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has given our university operational and fiscal challenges, to say nothing of the emotional and mental distress it has given us. 

At this difficult time, I want to take a moment to thank everyone for the part you have played in the university’s response to the pandemic.

I am grateful for your flexibility and resilience that made the transition to the ‘new normal’ manageable -- from terminating the semester early, cancelling the commencement exercises and other events, to moving vital research activities to limited operation. 

Kudos also to your bravery and dedication that ensured the continuity of the university’s service to the public by risking exposure just to serve on-campus or by working remotely from home (sometimes with competing priorities from family and work) -- and without a clear date when all of this is going to end.

Since the start of the quarantine period in March, we have responded and assisted our community by looking after the situation of our stranded students, sending them home, mobilizing our Science and Technology enterprise to produce alcohol solutions, protective gears, respirators, disinfection cabins, and others, as well as providing valuable information to the government to make proactive measures against the coronavirus outbreak.

On campus, we have taken critical steps to protect the IIT community. We have been strict in implementing the safety protocols to prevent the transmission of the virus. We have addressed the need for social distancing by setting up alternative work arrangements and virtualizing our administration as much as possible.

To the MSU-IIT students: your safety is our priority. 

In furtherance of our quest for excellence, we are planning carefully the Academic Year 2020-2021 and devising ways to address the pedagogical challenges. But I assure you that MSU-IIT shall remain a research and teaching university. We shall continue to support our community of students by delivering instruction remotely or by other flexible methods. 

In the next few weeks, we will have further information on how we will be implementing distance education, including managing logistical concerns. With this, I ask the faculty and staff to remain flexible as we prepare for this transition.

Covid-19 will definitely continue to have dramatic effects on higher education institutions like MSU-IIT. The impact of this pandemic is also felt extensively in all parts of the globe. During these unprecedented times, let us continue to work together, to rethink practices, and to innovate. Let us be reminded of our core values as we apply the best possible information and analysis to our decisions. 

Continue to be vigilant, and stay safe. Public health experts have repeatedly stressed that you can protect yourself against the virus by washing your hands well, wearing face masks, and social distancing, to name a few. When we come out of this pandemic, we need everyone to be strong and healthy as we still have a very important role to play in the health and economic recovery of the region and the nation.



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