
CHS students participate in 10th INSS; student wins special award

by Dani G. Ortega, CHS | Aug 07 2024

Adrajie Ramos Dida-Agun and Bhylle Gayle Pacina, two incoming Level 4 BSN students of the College of Health Sciences (CHS), along with CHS faculty Dr. Neil M. Martin recently participated in the 10th International Nursing Summer School (INSS) on July 22 – August 3, 2024 at the Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

The summer school, which had a number of international participants, was hosted by the Department School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine and Health Medicine, and UMY.

The 13-day activity had the theme: Harmony in Healthcare: Summer School on Islamic and Cultural Integration in Nursing Practice and offered educational and non-educational programs.

This year’s educational programs included a series of Lectures, Language Class, Skills Lab, Community Service, Tutorial, Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), and Objective Structured Clinical Exams (OSCE).

Non-educational programs were Social Programs (Experiencing the Art of Gamelan Music, Pottery Making Workshop), a campus and city tour (Kraton Yogyakarta, Sonobudoyo Museum, Malioboro, and Karst Tubing), and an International Night showcasing traditional ethnic garments.

As part of their tutorial activity students were given tasks and a scenario with a general learning objective for them to be able to explain the influence of culture on health by making their own questions, and presentation of digital or hand-drawn posters about “Traditional Medicine Based Culture”, to promote awareness and appreciation of traditional-based cultures in the participants’ country.

Special awards were given during the closing ceremony with Bhylle Gayle Pacina (MSU-IIT CHS, Philippines) for Best Dressed, Jehann Lopez (St. Anne Lucena, Inc., Nursing Program, Lucena City, Philippines) for Best Participant Male, Amatullah Faatima, Islamic International University Malaysia, Malaysia for Best Participant Female, and Nurul Asyiqin, Islamic International University of Malaysia, Malaysia for Best MCQ with 21 pts.

The 10th INSS is an annual event that combines educational, cultural, and social programs to train students and help develop their skills, knowledge, and experiences through problem based learning activities and community practice.

The overall objectives of this year’s program were: 1. Understanding Psychosocial Concepts, 2. Cultural Competence in Nursing, 3. Transcultural Nursing Principles, 4. Communication Skills, 5. Assessment of Psychosocial and Cultural Needs, 6. Culturally Sensitive Interventions, 7. Ethical and Legal Considerations, 8. Impact of Cultural Diversity on Healthcare Systems, 9. Collaboration and Advocacy, 10. Reflective Practice.

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