
MSU-IIT implements 2024 extension projects to help achieve UN SDGs

by Michelle Jeanne Casiple Caracut | Apr 11 2024

 Prof. German V. Gervacio from the Department of Filipino and Other Languages taught Grade 4 and 5 pupils on Editorial Writing, as part of the extension activity entitled "Magbansay Kita: Isang Palihang-Panulat sa Pamahayagang Pangkampus Para sa mga Mag-aaral ng Tambo Central School."


In order to further contribute to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology (MSU-IIT) is implementing a series of extension projects in 2024. These projects aim to address various issues that can have a positive impact on local communities and the environment.

Among the 27 projects that have been approved, 13 of them are entirely new initiatives, while the remaining 14 are continuing projects from previous years. The university has allocated more than 2 million pesos in funding to support these projects and ensure their successful implementation.

One notable aspect of these extension projects is their broad coverage across the SDGs. In fact, they directly tackle issues related to 16 out of the 17 SDGs, highlighting the university's commitment to comprehensive progress. 

Under the university's WE CARE framework, these extension projects are carefully designed to contribute to multiple SDGs simultaneously. For instance, seventeen extension projects specifically address issues related to SDG 4, which focuses on ensuring quality education for all. This indicates MSU-IIT's dedication to providing accessible and relevant education to communities within its reach.

In addition, fifteen of the approved projects align with the objectives of SDG 17, emphasizing the importance of partnerships and collaboration to achieve sustainable development. These initiatives aim to foster cooperation between MSU-IIT and various stakeholders, including local communities, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations, to create long-lasting positive change.

Gender equality, a critical aspect of sustainable development, is another focus of MSU-IIT's extension projects. Fourteen of them have been dedicated to addressing the specific challenges faced by women and promoting gender equality, in line with SDG 5.

Furthermore, the university recognizes the significance of sustainable cities and communities, as exemplified by the inclusion of eleven projects aimed at achieving SDG 11. These initiatives seek to improve urban planning, enhance resilience to disasters, and promote inclusive and sustainable urbanization.

Nine projects have been allocated to address SDG 8, focusing on decent work and economic growth. These projects aim to foster entrepreneurship, support local industries, and promote economic empowerment within communities.

Seven projects have been designed to achieve SDG 3 and SDG 10. These initiatives prioritize improving healthcare access and quality, promoting mental health, and creating inclusive programs that address disparities in society.

Five projects are dedicated to addressing both SDG 1 and SDG 12. These projects aim to alleviate poverty levels by providing sustainable livelihood opportunities and developing social protection programs. They also focus on responsible consumption and production, promoting waste reduction and sustainable practices.

Four projects have been specifically designed to contribute to SDG 9, focusing on industry, innovation, and infrastructure. These initiatives aim to promote technological advancements, foster innovation within local industries, and ensure inclusive and sustainable industrialization. 

Three projects have been allocated to address both SDG 2, which is zero hunger, and SDG 16, which focuses on peace, justice, and strong institutions. These projects aim to tackle food insecurity through sustainable agricultural practices and promote peaceful and inclusive societies through education and justice reforms.

Two projects have been approved for SDG 13, which pertains to climate action, and SDG 15, which focuses on life on land. These initiatives aim to enhance climate resilience, promote reforestation, and protect biodiversity.

Furthermore, one project has been allocated for SDG 6, which is clean water and sanitation, and another project for SDG 7, which focuses on affordable and clean energy. These initiatives will contribute to ensuring access to clean water and promoting renewable energy solutions for a sustainable future.

While the extension projects implemented by MSU-IIT are indeed comprehensive and impactful, it is important to acknowledge that none of them have been specifically allocated for SDG 14, which focuses on Life Below Water. However, MSU-IIT remains steadfast in its commitment to environmental conservation efforts. The university actively implements policies, conducts researches, and engages in activities that preserve and protect the environment.

One of the notable initiatives is the vehicle-free campus policy implemented every first Wednesday of the month. This policy not only promotes sustainable transportation practices but also reduces carbon emissions and contributes to cleaner air quality on campus.

Furthermore, MSU-IIT actively participates in mangrove planting activities. Mangroves serve as vital habitats for marine life, contribute to shoreline protection, and play a significant role in mitigating the impacts of climate change.

Moreover, the university implements a no single-use plastic policy on campus. This proactive approach aims to reduce plastic waste and promote the use of eco-friendly alternatives. 

These environmentally conscious practices and policies reflect MSU-IIT's commitment to preserving the natural resources and ecosystems that support life below water. According to Chancellor Alizedney M. Ditucalan, he said that while there are currently no extension projects explicitly addressing SDG 14, the university has numerous research projects that address this important goal. He said that MSU-IIT will continue to explore opportunities and actively seek ways to make a positive impact in this specific area in the future.

Through the implementation of these extension projects, MSU-IIT is not only furthering its commitment to the SDGs but also actively engaging with local communities and stakeholders to drive positive change. The university's proactive approach serves as an inspiring example for others to follow on their journey towards sustainable development. With its dedication to addressing a wide range of SDGs, MSU-IIT is making significant strides towards creating a better and more sustainable future for all.

Topics : extension projects SDGs public service